Are there times when you can be too careful for your own good?
A man with a blockage in his veins needs heart surgery. He knew this was coming but he had some time so he waited a couple years. The time came where the man had scheduled the surgery. The man’s brother and wife expressed concerns. You may die in the surgery heart surgery is dangerous. The man decides he would wait just a few more months. He was being cautious he wanted to do just a little more research. The hospital told him, listen if something happens at this point there is nothing we can do. You will die. The man at this point was determined he must do the surgery next week. He was scheduled and his wife and brother were on board. They were ready. Then the man’s older wiser grandfather one known to be knowledgeable came along and said. Surely you will be ok to wait a couple of more weeks. The man delayed,then had a heart attack two days later. The nurses and doctors tried everything they knew they had a grey market heart from Mexico, they had the best skilled doctors, but there was nothing the doctors could do. The mans inaction caused his demise.